Seeing is Believing

renderings of cte expansions

Renderings of the STEM/career and technical education centers which will be added to Brighton, Prairie View, and Riverdale Ridge high schools.

Our community voted to have a STEM/Career and Technical Education center built at every 27J high school. Thank you, voters!

Our neighbors and parents BELIEVE in the power of STEM/Career and Technical Education. They put their belief into action by voting “Yes!” on our 2021 school bond issue.

Take a look at what’s planned for your area high school—a specialized center dedicated to providing all students with today’s most in-demand skills in science, technology, engineering and math.

Every high school will have its own comprehensive STEM/Career and Technical Education center built on campus. In each center, industry-expert instructors will give students hands-on, real world experience they can take into the job market. That means more students will be ready to walk into good-paying jobs right out of high school.

The centers are also home to college-level courses, giving students the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school and a tuition-free start to their college education.

Equipping all of our students with these highly marketable skills means our students become successful, well-paid community members who contribute to the economic vitality of our neighborhoods and cities.

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